Wars, conflicts, and turmoil increase censorship and restrictions on internet access. Right now, the obvious urgency is providing unrestricted, yet protected, internet access to citizens in Ukraine, Russia, and other war-affected areas.
As always, we welcome organizers and journalists, including citizen journalists and individuals supporting the situation on the ground, currently in an oppressive situation who need secure, uncensored internet access, to get in touch. Tell us how a VPN will help you in your mission to help others or support freedom of information via safe@expressvpn.com so we can help with VPN access.
Growing demand for secure, uncensored internet access
As a VPN provider that gives its users secure, uncensored access to the internet, we are only all too aware of the growing demands to provide such protection—and the need has never been more urgent.
In recent weeks, we’ve watched the Russian government accelerate its attempts to control the flow of information among its people and its neighbors by suppressing news reports and blocking social media. This is antithetical to our mission to ensure everyone has access to the free and open internet.
Over the last decade, we’ve seen in our close work with journalists and activists how critical it is to have access to tools for staying connected and protected. And recent events have made it clearer than ever before that citizen journalism via social media plays a critical role during times of conflict.
Free access to social media and the broader internet is crucial for citizens to connect, organize, and overcome oppression—and we exist to be part of the solution.

30-day money-back guarantee
Hello, my name is Massoud. I did not come here to lie that I am a journalist in Ukraine to get a free account. Unfortunately, I live in Iran and here the government has severely filtered the internet to cover up its own oppression. No free vpn works. Due to the embargo and absurd economic conditions, I am not even able to buy a VPN account. I found the Express account from a Telegram channel and I am connected now. It is very high quality. But the subscription will end soon. I wanted to be honest and asked for help. If you could give me a free account even for one month. Thankful
I mean that’s great that everyone at ExpressVPN can pick a side and help out. That only means you have your morals, and stick to your principles. I just don’t think any of this Russia/Ukraine stuff is worth the amount of people being put in the ground. I’m a master with my genealogy, and have traced it all the way back to the beginning on 2 branch’s. It’s probably because of the fact that I had, or still have (don’t know) cousins in Moscow, and in Kiev that I’m going to go all hippy with this comment but how would the world leaders feel if you guys every last one of you on both sides put your guns down then said, “I’m not going to kill another soul”? Like honestly it’ll be hard to wage war if we just stopped killing each other. Then again if everyone in the world wanted peace.. then there’d be peace✌️☮️ I can say this because I’m related to Saints, Kings, Emperors, and Generals. I understand there was a lot of bloodshed for these people to get where they got to be, even if most had been born into it, but that’s besides the point. The point is wtf is wrong with everyone killing everyone all the dang time. Are we not smart enough to see that every nation on this planet shares it with one another?
I am disappointed that your 04.03.2022 words in the article above are still posted on 11.02.2024, “… we’ve watched the Russian government accelerate its attempts to control the flow of information among its people and its neighbors by suppressing news reports and blocking social media.” All the governments do this (e.g., Ukraine, USA, Canada, China) so why are you biased-ly focusing on Russia?
We have reminded you to not be guilty of taking sides in these wars/conflicts. Please revised your biased article and stick with your mission of a free flow of info for everyone on the Internet and don’t be so foolish to think all sides aren’t censoring/propagandizing. — from the USA, that land of the free and home of the brave, and Express VPN user
I use expressvpn and hoped that according to Dan Bongino and others who advertised it, no one could see where my computer is and who I am, but obviously the local police in Vienna Austria can still see my vpn and identify me and see what I have posted on YouTube and fakebook, and probably everywhere else, and can still come after me and terrorise me and make stupid accusations and charges and disregard the principle of freedom of speech. So I am not so excited anymore about all the claims made by companies who say they can hide your identity and location.
A VPN can increase your anonymity, but there are some limitations. If you post something on YouTube or social media platforms, for instance, you must be logged in to do so. Your logins identify who you are, whether you are using a VPN or not. Some info on this topic: https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/does-vpn-make-you-anonymous/
As for your location, a VPN does hide it from sites that use IP address to determine where you are.
It’s great you’re doing this, but when your service stopped working in Iran, because of severe network measures the government took, I asked you to at least pause my subscription until it works again but you didn’t. As a result you lost many customers including me. I know you don’t need it, but I just wanted to let you know.
I am a Canadian citizen and my government has already started censoring online news. I use ExpressVPN to keep my sovereign information private.
It’s very generous of the company – thank you so, so much – to support those people in Russia who want either to do some dangerous activist work in the country, or just stay up to date with real news, away from kremlin’s toxic rubbish they roll on 24/7.
However, as of the end of summer 2023, ExpressVPN’s work in Russia has been seriously damaged (I bet you know it even better than me) and almost all servers stay unavailable to use on different networks. So I guess ExpressVPN should gather all its force to deal with upcoming and ongoing problems in such bleak places like Russia, China and Iran, rather than use the precious time on complains from European customers about broken Netflix or missed football match from FA Cup. Yes, it’s can’t be ignored – but that’s NOTHING compared to what suffer normal people have to bear in unfree places, without any access to the actual information.
Sorry, but i am disturbed at how you see Russia’s information being anti-ethical, vs the UK/Western media!!!?
Where was the news in UK mainstream that Boris prevented peace deals, only “lethal aid” to follow?
What about the news of the US coup (Maidan Revolution), which seen Zelensky installed in power in 2014?
What about from that time until today, the people of Donetsk and Lugansk have been suffering shelling from Kyiv (Zelensky, and his Azov Battalion, neo-nazis).
What about the fact that Russia were invited in to Ukraine, by the civilians of Donetsk and Lugansk (Eastern Ukraine) to stop them being wiped from existence.
Quite sad that a VPN company took the narrative of “Putin is Evil.”
Go google PATRICK LANCASTER, and support him with VPN, as he is on a Ukrainian kill-list, which is published on a ukrainian government website, along with other reporters who speak against the western narratives.
Question – Would you stand by as your neighbouring country gets decimated in a 1-sided civil war? If so, shame on you. Russia did not stand by, deep respect to them for standing against genocide, as I have deep respect for Palestine who also needs help standing against genocidal zionists.
My country sends weapons to Zelensky, who fires them on villages in Eastern Ukraine. Lets shut them down.
My admiration for your true and honest comments. Our government had suspended all Russian TV news channels. Thousands of Russian soldiers and volunteers had perished for our freedom in 19th century, millions of them – during The Second World War, but now my country sends weapons for UK neo-nazis to extinguish Russian people in Donetsk and Lugansk- already part of RF as a result of referendum.
I contacted them yesterday and have been in discussions with them and they absolutely refuse to be non-partisan. They have taken a side for the Ukrainians They’ve become political not talking about the journalists in Ukraine that have been banned, not discussing the churches being shut down, etc. They refuse to be fair to show both sides. I have since cancelled my subsciption and i hope others will as well. You are paying into a company that takes a political side instead of showing that Ukraine too is against free speech as well.
I totally agree, my friend, no one seems to want to know or acknowledge the facts you stated. From Australia.
Great comment Scotland ! You are absolutely right. Express VPN should stick to issues with bandwidth not jumping on bandwagons!
you’re the only voice of intelligence in this conversation. someone has done some research and is actually knowledgable too say anything about the false narrative these clowns in the comment are trying to push
Please give more help to the people of Iran for free communication. In Iran, your VPN is facing many problems to connect. thank you
Who decides what is “misinformation” and isn’t that in and of itself “oppression”?
That wording wasn’t the best and we’ve changed it.
I love this vpN
thats good all thanks
I absolutely love this service, the download and upload speed are second to none, it connects quickly, and the customer service is great. ExpressVPN is a well managed, well designed system.
is the journalistic or organizational subscription still available?
Yes, this is an ongoing program that began well before the war in Ukraine.
I emailed them twice and they don’t even reply my mail.
I am concerned of using the Wi-Fi owned by someone that is using his internet at home. Stealing the SIM cards. And hacking phns. Using a more advance Netgear nighthawk router. I feel like I can protect myself. My vpn gets booted. And I wished it had a more advance to reconnect on its own for defense. — Just saying. I wished it would send me a text to let me know. It’s being attacked on a home network. Needless to say. I don’t use the Wi-Fi at home. I keep express on.
It is just an advertisement for the company it never worked
This VPN really works, always looking at the horizon, beyond!!
so you’re trying to help the oppressed in Europe express themselves freely; what are you doing for the millions of oppressed Conservatives in the Peoples Republic of Amerika who are being denied their First Amendment Right to Free Speech? Nothing? Thought so.
oh boohoo ur from the number one country in the world, sucks doesn’t it? US defaultism lmao, stay rotten 🙂
The US is not the number one country in the world anymore.
This article makes me want to cancel express VPN. Definitely not renew. Political bias showing quite a bit. Russia Russia Russia…poor Ukraine. Nah there bad and good everywhere. Quit hoping on the mainstream narrative. We use services like this to bypass censorship, deplatforming, and as much agenda bias as possible. Disappointed. Welp keep searching to find the few non agenda oriented companies.
I agree what about us normal people being bombarded by western bias media ???
why?? and this is just a question, cant those asking for free vpn either pay the small fee or band together and share a paid vpn
“Or help stop ‘mis information”? Yall just made yourselves sound real suspect right now. You should be neutral. Just a VPN that has no stake except to give freedom and encryption to do what u want without government or private entity involvement or suppression. But u trying to figure how to get information on how to deter “misinformation” means your doing what they’re doing. Deciding whats good information to let thru or not. Isn’t that what we are trying to avoid here?
Agree, this was poor choice of wording. What we meant was the free flow of information rather than stopping any particular information.
I think that regardless of where the software is developed, such as the location of the company, a VPN must be totally transparent in its policy offering an adequate service and for which it has been developed, we already know that on the internet we have all the good and the bad, then there are the people who will use it according to their conscience, that’s why you choose to pay and you do not choose a free one.
Hello. I am sorry and sympathize with Russia for its crimes in Ukraine and the problems of the oppressed people of this country. A point came to my mind that I raised many times and in different areas, but no answer was given.
I live in Iran and you probably know that Iran has the highest rate of executions and imprisonment of journalists. If we are talking about humanity and human rights, why does no one ever talk about the people of Iran, the people of North Korea, the people of Syria, etc.? Even from the Russian people who are captives of a bloodthirsty dictator! In Syria, Russia and Iran are slaughtering people, but no one mentions them. It is as if the oppressed women and children are not human beings! I wish one day, if we talk about human rights and humanity, it would be free from any prejudice, discrimination, dependence on skin color, race, religion, etc.
Well said!
I agree. Why not focus on these other people (or, also, Christians and other religious folks being imprisoned and censored in China) instead of jumping on a bandwagon against Russia. Express, stick with your mission and get away from laying out your biases. –Longtime freedom lover in the USA
Unfortunately if you are using such phrases in presenting this platform as a solution, then you have already failed – “or stop misinformation” since is exactly what the sensors want you to do. Self sensor is as good as some else of Quasi-authority wants.
Thanks for pointing that out. Indeed, what we meant was the free flow of information rather than stopping any particular information.
unfortunately no one,s anwsering
everything is almost blocked
I think some of these people believe this ExpressVPN service will give them free internet service. Not understanding it is a service to provide Insurance to your internet is not hacked or for your person to be exposed.
We do provide complimentary VPN service to those who are involved in activism, journalism, or humanitarian service amid oppressive situations and need access to the open internet. But you’re right, a VPN cannot supply Wi-Fi or other internet service.
Congratulations, I live in the Chernihiv region, where hostilities took place, so far I have lost contact with my relatives in Russia and Kazakhstan, so I ask you to give me access to a paid version of your military service so that I can protect myself and establish contact with relatives. and not a journalist, but I have a lot of videos and photos of Russian crimes, so thanks to your VPN, I will be able to share them not only with relatives in Russia and Kazakhstan, but around the world
You are lying
And this is the word of the slogan that you provide services to all people who are involved in oppressive conditions
I have emailed you 5 times in the past week asking for help
And you did not give me any answer until you saw that I am Iranian
All your words are slogans and lies
This is an urgent request
Hello, please help me
Im from Ukraine The internet is very slow, no vpn source works except you. Please help us in this situation for free service.
Internet is limited I can not send documents with photos All services are blocked
expressvpn.com – business with human face
In Ukraine it is rumored that you can give us free accounts, but it seems that it is a lie and even in my request Ms. Lisa responded with a ridiculous tone….
ExpressVPN team, I am a Ukrainian journalist based in Lviv. I have been facing issues with the internet access and security. I tried few free VPNs but they were slow and I couldn’t trust them completely. I request you to provide me with a VPN account in this difficult time, so I could secure my phone and other digital devices that contain the sensitive information, so that I am protected from any possible cyber-attack. I have also sent a request on safe@expressvpn.com. Looking forward to your cooperation. I shall be thankful to you for this favour. Thank you.
Now everyone is a Ukrain journalist 🙂
In this situation, we are journalists who are on the front line of the war, and in Ukraine it is rumored that you can provide us with a fexpressvpn.com/blog/staying-co…ree account.
This kind of talk is far from
I’m sorry for the kind of answer you’re mocking, my job being a journalist is the second highest-risk job in the world, you don’t have the right to insult us Ukrainian journalists.
You so correct..Since Trump left office all hell breaking lose..i love Express VPn..
For giving peace in communication.
I’m not a professional journalist, I’m just a Ukrainian citizen who can share what’s happening here and communicate with the rest of the world through safe, private, and secure internet access.
Please help us if you can.
I’m not sure if there will be free access to the internet in the next following days and weeks.
I am living in Turkmenistan. Don’t work vpn. Help me
The US and the Governments of the Five Eyes nations , and the EU is also censoring sources of information from Russia and China and their allies, while Facebook, Twitter and Silicon Valley Tech, as well as the US-UK Mainstream Media endulges in and often publishes lies. You should protect us the activists and truth tellers in the US and Europe as well from the US Government, the CIA and other Western spook agencies. I am sorry to say your report and efforts are one-sided and partisan.
You are right.
Hello, this is the second time I have sent an email to receive a filter breaker
I am a journalist in Ukraine and all communication channels are filtered here, please help me to continue my journalistic activity.
Your policy faiks to recognise that tge public in Russia are being starved pf vital information while journalists and activists are prosecuted in Russia. You need to help by making your service free to Russian citizens while this crisis persists. You say you are for free speech. Well then do it in Russia.
We are providing help in Russia, Ukraine, and beyond.
I haven’t seen you help us, Ukrainian journalists, and give us an account for at least three months free of charge.
She made fun of us, Miss Lisa, who’s your partner.
What exactly do ExpressVPN do to help in your eyes? Make ExpressVPN free? Its like 5 bucks a month, you’re being a little dramatic don’t you think? I understand there’s economic implications during wars, but its not an exorbitant price. Pay it if its so important for you.
Miss Lisa gave me one full year free express vpn she is great person
Hi, I am a journalist in Ukraine and I want to show the Russian crime to the people
iwant free account express vpn
Apologies for slow replies; we have been handling a high volume of requests. You and many others have been granted VPN service.
Salut, je suis journaliste en Ukraine et je veux proteger mon smartphone des censures russe
je veux un compte gratuit express vpn
what is this situation?
you claimed to support
so why is no one respond to the email?
so why did we not receive any subscription?
supporting journalists and civil activists i think was just a false claim
unfortunately, some of my colleagues and i have not been able to get a journalist’s subscription
that is, no one is responsible
Hi, I am a journalist in Ukraine and I want to show the people around the world the truth,so I need free express vpn account.
Hi – please email safe@expressvpn.com with your request.
They didn’t reply to me
Please provide us with a free account for Ukrainian journalists
Our conditions are acute and well-known, and from the famous company you are expected in this situation, do not leave us and the people of Ukraine alone.
This is to the owner(s) of ExpressVPN, please make your service not only free but also as easy as possible to acces for anyone in Ukrain as well as the general public in Russia. I mention Russia because they need to know the truth about what putin is doing.
I am a Ukrainian journalist and I need a secure information exchange service Please give me a free subscription
Hi i am live from is ukrine pls help me i need vpn for connect my friend and family pls help
Hi. I’ve been told to apply here for free VPN and already sent you an email and explained everything going on here. Pls help me out. Thank you.
Hi, I am a journalist in Ukraine and I want to show the Russian crime to the people
iwant free account express vpn