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Dollars forming a circular “wait” icon above a “Loading…” message. Without net neutrality, expect a slower internet.
3 mins
Net neutrality: what the repeal means and how a VPN can...
Update: As of June 11, 2018, Net Neutrality has officially been repealed, meaning the rules requiring internet service providers...
Supreme Court building overflowing with data
5 mins
4 ways to back up your data securely
Photos, documents, saved video games, and old emails: We accumulate a lot of data throughout our lives. And just...
Envelope wearing a face mask.
5 mins
The 4 best encrypted email providers for extra security
Gmail may be the world’s most popular email service, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most secure. In fact,...
A bug on a laptop.
1 min
ExpressVPN Bug Bounty rewards
The ExpressVPN Bug Bounty Program offers rewards for the hard work of those who help make our platforms more secure.
A house made up of blue servers and a blue roof on top
4 mins
How to make a small server for your home
A guide to installing a small server in your own home, and cool things to do with it. Lexie shows us how with Linux (Ubuntu).
girl scouts logo on a cloud with a green background
2 mins
Girl Scouts are our next wave of cybersecurity experts
Do you know what badges Girl Scouts are collecting these days? It’s not just Hiker, Making Friends, and Cookie...
Padlock with omni-directional protection.
2 mins
PGP is still pretty good for privacy
Many privacy advocates use PGP (GNU Privacy Guard/GPG in its open source form) to encrypt, sign, and verify data...
3 mins
Privacy in America vs. Europe: Here’s how the EU does data...
As the EU pushes sweeping new data reforms, the U.S. is stuck trying to figure out how to address their budding privacy problem.
Use unique passwords for each online account.
3 mins
Why you should use a unique password for every online account
So, you’re signing up for yet another online service. It’ll probably ask you to choose password with rules like: ...
A cartoon fox hiding behind a tree.
3 mins
Change your Firefox settings for a more private browsing experience
With just a few clicks, you can vastly improve your online privacy. Here are some tips for the popular...

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