Tips & tricks

2 mins
3 browsers that block third-party cookies by default
With the sheer amount of information that can be extracted from your internet use, having a privacy-oriented browser has become essential to protecting your...
Power symbol with cross bones.
4 mins
7 technologies that ruin everything
Did e-readers ruin reading? Did dating apps ruin dating? Did streaming services ruin movie-going? Our blog writers weigh in on what technology has taken from their real-life experiences.
Google Photos icon disintegrating.
6 mins
Top cloud services to store photos online (free and paid)
With Google Photos discontinuing free unlimited storage, we list other cloud storage options for your photos.
Speech bubbles with a thumbs down and frowning face.
3 mins
Signs that your child is being cyberbullied
We list common examples of cyberbullying and share signs that your child is a victim.
Pride flag with a padlock.
4 mins
Online privacy and safety for the LGBTQ+ community
This Pride Month, we take a look at issues surrounding online privacy among the LGBTQ+ community.
Magnifying glass on a password.
13 mins
Cybersecurity lessons: Monitoring password manager activity
ExpressVPN's Security Team explains how to detect vulnerabilities and attacks on password managers and analyze the risks.
Pencil eraser wiping a smartphone.
2 mins
How to wipe your iPhone or Android before selling it
Failing to correctly wipe your smartphone could leave your information vulnerable for access by its next owner. Here’s how to do it.
Red circle with cross and mouse cursor.
4 mins
How reputation management can help you stay private
Online reputation management (ORM) isn’t just for celebrities and politicians. Regular individuals can use these paid services to control the flow of their personal data.
Recycling bin with a hash key on it.
3 mins
Your old phone number is putting you at risk
If you’ve ever switched to a new phone number, chances are your old number will be reassigned to someone else. This practice of recycling phone...
A warning sign with a syringe in the middle.
4 mins
Here’s what vaccine scams look like
Covid-19 vaccinations are free, but that’s not stopping scammers from trying to get credit card and personal information through phishing and other methods.

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