Tips & tricks

Warning sign next to star wearing sunglasses representing celebrity scams
5 mins
6 times cyber scammers used celebrities to con people
Think carefully before clicking on that Kim Kardashian-endorsed cryptocurrency or try to stream the latest Anna Kendrick movie for free online.
Diving mask with binary numbers.
3 mins
How to access the dark web
Looking to explore the dark web? Check out our guide with step-by-step instructions to get connected.
Hook in a phishing email resembling a red flag.
5 mins
How to spot common red flags in phishing emails
Protect yourself by learning to recognize the most obvious signs that someone is trying to scam you with a phishing email.
Mobile phone cardiograph.
3 mins
How to know if your phone has a virus
From the presence of strange apps to sudden increases in data usage, learn to recognise the signs of an infected smartphone.
Radio frequencies.
3 mins
2.4 vs. 5 GHz Wi-Fi: Are you using the right one?
Most routers offer both 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency bands. Which one you should use depends on the coverage area and speed you need.
A laptop with a camera above it.
4 mins
Guide: Protect your privacy at the workplace
Employer monitoring increased with the emergence of Covid-19, and it’s likely here to stay. Here are tips to maintain some of your personal privacy.
Phone mobile hotspot.
3 mins
How to keep your mobile hotspot secure
Connecting to the internet using a portable router or hotspots created with your phone? There are easy ways to protect those connections.
Block Email Tracking
3 mins
What is email tracking, and why you should turn it off
Companies know when you open an email from them. Stop it by blocking pixels hidden in your emails.
Protect your device.
3 mins
Tips to safeguard your privacy before a device repair
Handing your device over for repairs can be nerve-racking. Here are ways to keep your files, personal information, and images safe.
Two email icons.
3 mins
5 times misuse of work email got someone fired
Using your work email for personal matters—or jokes that go too far—can backfire on you quickly.

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