How to delete your Telegram account permanently
Say bye to Telegram with this step-by-step guide.
Code integrity primer: GitHub commit signature verification via YubiKey
We discuss our preference for YubiKey as a form of 2FA and look at how to use YubiKey for signature verification for GitHub code commits.
What to do if your social media account gets hacked
How to recover a hacked or hijacked Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn account. What to do after a social media hack.
How to stay safe and private on dating apps: 9 dos and don’ts
Put yourself out there without putting yourself at risk. Here’s how you stay private when navigating the dating realm online.
How to permanently delete your Twitter account
Ready to deactivate your Twitter account? Learn how to download your Twitter archive, then permanently close your account.
Protect your financial privacy with Bitcoin: A comprehensive guide
This comprehensive manual will explain how you can protect your financial privacy by using Bitcoin.
How to delete your hard drive browsing history
Don't just settle for deleting your web browser's history. Learn how to take it off your hard drive too. We show you how here.
The jargon-busting internet security technical glossary
Don't be overwhelmed by internet security jargon. Use this handy glossary to figure out what’s what!
What you should do after losing your phone
Losing your phone is nerve-racking, but it’s best stay focused on getting it back and protecting your data.
How to make secure online payments: Top 10 payment methods reviewed
Stay one step ahead of cybercriminals—discover the safest ways to pay online and protect your money with expert-backed security tips.