Tips & tricks

It's possible to see your incognito history, but you can also delete it.
9 mins
How to see and delete incognito history
With some effort, you can retrieve or track browsing history in incognito mode.
Is WhatsApp safe to use?
5 mins
Is WhatsApp safe?
Messages are secured with end-to-end encryption, with the app's features offering more ways to stay privacy.
Scotty from Star Trek.
5 mins
Alexa vs. Google Assistant vs. Siri: A comparison
We compare the leading virtual home assistants for smart homes on their features, capabilities, and ecosystem integration.
11 mins
Are TikTok and Instagram posts the new résumés?
Move over, LinkedIn!
How to delete your Snapchat account permanently
6 mins
How to delete your Snapchat account permanently
Want to delete your Snapchat account? Use this step-by-step guide to permanently deactivate your Snapchat account.
11 mins
Top 25+ most anticipated video games (late-2023 and beyond)
Spoiler: Everyone’s excited about 'Starfield'!
Alexa listening to voice commands.
12 mins
All the useful (and funny) voice commands for Alexa
From timing your cooking to controlling your Fire TV, Alexa can do more for you—if you know the right ways to ask.
VPN server hopping
3 mins
Tech Friend: Is it smart to keep changing VPN servers?
VPN server hopping: A good security practice, or simply unnecessary?
34 mins
ChatGPT vs. Google Bard: Which AI chatbot is better?
One is built for research, and the other shines as a writing assistant. But when it comes to accuracy, reliability, and features, which AI chatbot reigns supreme?
10 mins
Why selfies aren’t going anywhere anytime soon
Strike a pose and pucker up as we journey into the ever-evolving world of selfies.

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