Free streaming $0.
58 mins
60 best free streaming services around the world
It’s time to start planning for your next lazy weekend to binge all the content in the world. You don’t even have to pay.
Apple iOS Update
3 mins
Explainer: iPhone’s new App Tracking Transparency feature
Apple has rolled out a privacy feature on its iOS 14.5 iPhone update that allows users to opt-out of being tracked on apps. Here’s how it works.
A checklist with a score of 100.
1 min
ExpressVPN’s Apple privacy labels rated 100% for accuracy
ExpressVPN is the only major VPN app with 100% accurate privacy labels in the App Store, according to an independent study by Top10VPN.
An app button with a virus and location symbol.
3 mins
Privacy flaw found in Google and Apple’s contact-tracing tool
Hundreds of contact-tracing apps on Android devices didn't keep sensitive data secure.
A warning sign with a syringe in the middle.
4 mins
Here’s what vaccine scams look like
Covid-19 vaccinations are free, but that’s not stopping scammers from trying to get credit card and personal information through phishing and other methods.
Magnifying glass over a computer keyboard.
1 min
To log in, just type. How typing biometrics makes life easier
The way you type is unique, and it might soon become a convenient method to authenticate your identity when you sign in to your accounts.
RAID storage data backup.
5 mins
Guide to data hoarding for the end of the world
Do you like to download large quantities of information off the internet for safe keeping? You might be a data hoarder—and that’s a good thing!
Passport with an eye.
5 mins
Tests, shots, apps: The invasive new world of travel
Amid Covid-19, summer travel will happen. Is it worth the loss of your privacy?
EU stars surrounding a fallen CCTV camera.
3 mins
The EU is closer to banning AI mass surveillance
A proposal aims to closely regulate artificial intelligence in the bloc, as well as law enforcement’s use of facial recognition.
Instagram logo drawn in child-like way.
3 mins
Is a kid-friendly Instagram possible?
Facebook has said that an Instagram for 13 and under is on its way. But previous attempts at social media for kids leave room for skepticism.

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