An info sign surrounded by dollar signs
4 mins

So your information is on the dark web. What now?

You can’t take it down. But here are the steps to take to protect your identity.
A person with question marks above his head.
5 mins

How to choose a security question

Security questions are best when they cannot be guessed or researched. We list some examples of strong questions and answers.
A teddy bear, a padlock, and a windup car.
1 min

Our TikTok series: Explaining VPNs with toddler toys

Watch our short videos—and follow us!
A password made up of globes.
5 mins

Most common passwords around the world 2024

Weak passwords are a problem everywhere—they just come in different forms. Check out our visualization.
Transparent window with magnifying glass.
Video post
2 mins

Video: What does your ISP know about you?

With an unencrypted connection, your internet service provider can learn a lot about you including the sites you visit and the apps you use.
A certificate with a slash through it.
6 mins

Why we’d never install a Trusted Root CA on your device

What is a Trusted Root CA, what could go wrong if a VPN company installs its own, and why we won’t ever do so.
Smartphone in life vest.
4 mins

Apps that can save your life

What if your phone could save your life? We’ve curated a selection of apps that could enhance your safety or help you survive an emergency or crisis.
Dog's head with dollar signs for eyes.
2 mins

Google takes a step to stop puppy scams

Many have turned to dogs for companionship during the pandemic—and many have been scammed by online sellers. Now, a lawsuit aims to fight the fraud.
Skype logo in trash bin deleting skype
1 min

How to permanently delete your Skype account

Don’t use Skype anymore? Delete your account to lessen your digital footprint, here's how.
Emergency warning sign USB.
5 mins

Survival tip: Digitize emergency records on USB

You might have important documents locked somewhere safe. Creating digital versions is just as important—and USB sticks keep them compact and portable.

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