jane austen movies
4 mins
10 Jane Austen movie adaptations ranked best to worst
Was Netflix’s Persuasion that bad? We list the best and worst Jane Austen movie adaptations and where to watch (or hate-watch) them.
A phone on fire.
4 mins
Should you get a burner phone?
Burner phones aren’t just for spies or criminals. Here’s why you might want to have one.
Router with a speedometer above it indicating ways to boost Wi-Fi signal at home.
7 mins
How to boost Wi-Fi signal at home to get faster internet
It won't surprise anyone to learn that internet usage has surged dramatically since the Covid-19 pandemic started, thanks to much more time spent at...
From left to right: a white hat, a gray hat, and a black hat.
7 mins
What are white hat, gray hat, and black hat hackers?
What makes a hacker good or bad? Their actions and intentions make them white hat, black hat, or gray hat.
Padlock with checklist.
4 mins
Cybersecurity tips for small businesses
Unfortunately, small businesses may be seen as easier targets than their larger counterparts due to their size and resources. Here are a few tips for keeping your business protected.
A computer infected by viruses from spam emails.
12 mins
How to stop receiving spam emails
Spam emails can steal your data, spread malware, or hijack your account. Here are 10 ways to keep them out of your life.
Two figures, one that's an outline.
2 mins
Quiz: Which rom-com sidekick are you?
Do you have side-character energy? Find out which best-friend trope you're playing in real life.
Palm trees, deck chair, and a lock.
5 mins
8 tips for online safety this travel season
Don’t let your guard down when using your devices away from home.
Diving board with a pool of code.
11 mins
TrustedServer: Deep dive into the security of our server tech
We discuss for the first time some of the many ways our innovative server system works to protect user privacy.
Embarrassed emoji in a search bar.
4 mins
Secrets we keep from our friends but share with Google
From looking up words to checking physical ailments, our survey reveals the online queries that people are embarrassed for others to know.

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