Is Telegram safe?
We share the pros and cons of the popular messaging app and security tips for using it safely.
Is WeTransfer safe for sending files?
Find out whether the popular service is secure enough for your files transfer needs.
78% of employers engage in remote work surveillance, ExpressVPN survey finds
An ExpressVPN survey has revealed the extent to which employees are being surveilled by their employers and how it’s impacting job satisfaction and stress levels.
Are VPNs legal?
VPNs are legal in nearly all countries—with some exceptions. Find out where to proceed with caution and the realistic legal risks.
Tech Friend: When in doubt, sign out
What a VPN can and cannot do for your privacy and anonymity if you’re signed in to an account like Google.
9 reasons you need a VPN at home in 2025
Your home internet is probably safer than public Wi-Fi, but a VPN still provides numerous benefits for your online experience.
20 best expat destinations for each life stage
Planning to emigrate? Read this first.
How to change your Google password
When did you last change your Google password? There’s no time like the present!
Delete Kik account: A step-by-step guide
Done with Kik Messenger? Want to help your child delete their account? Here’s how to do it.
Our response to TunnelCrack research findings
A paper presented earlier this month revealed a security vulnerability in VPNs known as TunnelCrack. Here's what we've done to protect users.